
I have been too busy to post much lately, but I will finish with my meditation on the death of the idea of eternity soon enough, and will also shortly be posting on the beauty of creation in Hawaii.  For now I just wanted to post one of my own poems, one that reworks an old conceit about love, and the sin of unreal expectations, and forgiveness–I think.  Anyway, more to come soon!




                                                                So this is our felicity

                                                                Sun-dropped from pale blue eyes

                                                                That looks like tenderness in spite of me:

                                                                The ugly earth reeking mud,

                                                                The moist air smothering the skin,

                                                                The new day beckoning its surprise.


                                                                I hope it’s not profanity

                                                                To swear at your expense,

                                                                Whose smile’s promise more entrusts

                                                                Than a cloistered virtues’ dream

                                                                To one who’s starved for innocence,

                                                                Hungry for what it seems.


                                                                Bleak December humidity

                                                                Harangues unsubtle mind:

                                                                I thought the world unfit for me

                                                                For mystic treasures I would bring,

                                                                A hero of my dual creation

                                                                Achilles and a philosopher king.


                                                                But they call it reality

                                                                That baptized their familiar ways,

                                                                And rote nicety of routine pleasure;

                                                                Chilled by this winter’s summer heat

                                                                Like them neither beast nor god

                                                                I must play the bland apostate.


                                                                It is achieved simplicity—

                                                                That is it I tell myself

                                                                Unsure just what your smile meant

                                                                Between expectations, sweating glances,

                                                                Puzzled by a gold-haired child

                                                                Laughing at my blessedness.


                                                                Perhaps it’s synchronicity

                                                                And we’re the last ones to know,

                                                                But I need your forgiveness more

                                                                For lapses of complicity

                                                                When lost in building worlds on words

                                                                To see what’s real is what you see,

                                                                O won’t you tell me what you see?               


                February 23, 2008

                Feast of St. Polycarp, 2nd Saturday of Lent  


~ by Alypius on May 28, 2008.

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